Doubts & Reservations
This is such a huge leap for us, as it is for anyone who is going to sell their belongings and commit to travelling the world. The dream has always been just that, but now that we’re making it a reality, I’m super anxious!
I wanted to share a few of my reservations and doubts as I know I’m not alone, and you’d be weird if there wasn’t even one niggly little thing that made you slightly uneasy or nervous when it comes to being out of your comfort zone. Having said that T is literally ready to go tomorrow, if we could, without a care in the world, but he has done similar before so he knows that I have my worries and he can totally relate to them but he tells me to just do it and I will thank him for that later. Those are his words and I’ll be holding him to that when I’m having a meltdown because we’re being stared at, or I just want to eat some comfort food but there’s nothing that reminds me of home.
It’s so silly but there’s some really stupid stuff I’m worried about but I have to remind myself this is an experience of a lifetime and I need to embrace it and enjoy it and it’s ok to accept there will be parts or days that I didn’t like and I might have a bad day but that’s part and parcel of travelling. It’s an experience and I intend to experience it all to the fullest. It’s like they say, life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain. This quote always reminds me to stop the worrying and over thinking as I can’t control everything and we need to live in the moment and enjoy everything we’re lucky enough to have.
What if things don’t work? What if we get into some trouble? What if we lose our passports/money? What if we miss a flight? What if we get too much homesickness? What if we get sick? I could honestly go on but I won’t bore you. I think it’s important to acknowledge my reservations as it’s something which will make me learn to be aware yet calm, practical yet spontaneous & submerged in local cultures yet alert to potential risks.
I’m so ready for this to be such a learning curve and cultural shock that I’m sure there will be points where we will be overwhelmed but what an adventure to tell our future children.
“The World is a Book and Those Who Do Not Travel Read Only a Page”
T & L